A physicist faced with a Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins fine for running a stop sign has proved his
innocence by pubshing a mathematical paper, andhas even won a prize for
his efforts.
Dmitri Krioukov is aphysicist d at the University of
Cafornia in San Diego. Whenfaced with a court hearing over allegedly
driving through a stopsign, he put together a paper called The Proof
ofInnocence, which he has since pubshed. The abstract forthe paper
reads: A way to fight your traffic tickets. The paperwas awarded a
special prize of $400 that the did not have topay to the state of
Krioukov's argument is d upon the premise that
threecoincidences happened at the same time to make the poce
officerbeeve that he had seen the physicist run a red ght, when, infact,
he hadn't. He writes: [In this paper], we show that if a carstops at a
stop sign, an observer, e.g., a poce officer, locatedat a certain
distance perpendicular to the car trajectory, musthave an illusion that
the car does not stop, if the following threeconditions are satisfied:
(1) The observer measures not the nearbut angular speed of thecar; (2)
The car decelerates and subsequently acceleratesrelatively fast; and (3)
There is a short-time obstruction of theobserver's view of the car by
an external , e.g., anothercar, at the moment when both cars are near
the stop sign.