
A troubled development cycle Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins saw

A troubled development cycle Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins saw Rayman Legends delayedfrom November 2012 to August 2013 as Ubisoft's platformer wasshunted from a Wii U launch exclusive to being a multiplatformrelease. Now released (unless you're hoping for the PS Vita versionwhich lands in September), Wired.co.uk took the opportunity to askEmile Morel, lead game designer, about delays, innovations and theUbiArt Framework -- an art tool developed specifically for theRayman series and which has received a technologyboost.

How did the Ubisoft Montpellier team dealwith all the delays and changes to the platform options and whatpositives came out of the experience?

Morel: Deciding to develop the game on the Wii U at thebeginning was an obvious choice for us, because it was for us agreat opportunity to make this Rayman game accessible toeveryone thanks to the touch gameplay offered by the Wii U GamePad.But it was also a huge challenge because we had to find a goodtouch gameplay that would really match with all the other gameplayswe wanted to put in this game. The day we decided that you wouldreally control a character (Murfy) with your finger on the Wii UGamePad, we realised we had something great that would create atruly new gameplay experience and not be just a gimmick.

