
But there's one big difference Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins in this clash

But there's one big difference Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins in this clash: The legalsituation might actually favour the amateurs.

That's because, as Weinberg points out, disputes over copies ofphysical s are often fought using patent law, which is farless strict than copyright. For example, patents last only 20years, which means many cool everyday s (Lego bricks!) arelong out of patent. What's more, patent law generally governs onlya complete assembled product, so creating replacement parts -- athriving pastime among hobbyists -- is probably legal.

What 3D printing hobbyists mostly have to watch out for,Weinberg argues, is copying artistic patterns or designs on an. That violates copyright. But if you stick to reproducing ormodeng the basic physical nature of something -- particularly ifyou're rejiggering a physical concept into a new form -- you'reprobably safe. (Indeed, Weinberg isn't even sure Valenty infringedon Warhammer's copyrighted designs, because Games Workshopis accusing him of creating figurines in the style of the game, andyou can't copyright style.)

