
The email exchange isfrom Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins and kicks

The email exchange isfrom Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins and kicks off with a hacker called YamaTough --spokesperson of Indian hacker group Lords of Dharmaraja, which isaffiated with Anonymous' Op AntiSec. He's talking to a Symantec"employee" d Sam Thomas -- actually a law official, saysSymantec.
At first, Thomas wants assurances that the hackers actually havetheir code. Thomas suggests uploading it using FTP. Yama thinksthis is a trick -- "If you are trying to trace with the FTP trickit's just worthless," he says. "If we detect any malevolent tracingaction we cancel the deal."
Yama threatens the anti-virus firm. "We have many people who arewilng to get your code. Don't fuck with us."

