
The campaign to raise funds Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins for aHeath

The campaign to raise funds Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins for aHeath Robinson Museum
At the time of Heath Robinson's death in 1944,only a minority of the public remembered his work as a seriousillustrator. But like Hogarth and Rowlandson before him, theappeal of his humorous art was largely the result of hisconsiderable talents as a serious artist, explains the Trust'swebsite.
Beare hopes that in funding a permanent museum(currently there is a small collection that can be viewed onWednesdays and Saturdays), it will help people understand that themeaning we ascribe to the term Heath Robinson is relevant butnot sufficient. He was also an accomplished fantasy bookillustrator and watercolourist. Indeed, the man himself seemed tohave got a bit fed up with the continual use of his name inassociation with bizarre rickety contraptions and the associatedrumours that he was locked up in an asylum and allowed out once aweek to deliver his invention. Evidence for this is a studioportrait, shot in 1929. Evidently a carefully composed shot, itfeatures a range of his work in the background -- illustration,watercolours, magazine covers. Conspicuous by their absence, werehis contraptions.

