
If there were ever any Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins recovered

If there were ever any Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins recovered saucers out there, and I dosay 'if' -- then they are long gone. Too many people have been outthere looking for them, including members of Congress and majornews organisations. A congressional staffer with the highestclearances once told me that if the stories turn out to be --and he beeved they were -- then it was clear the mitaryand intelgence agencies have been lying to the pubc and toCongress for a long time, have been siphoning funds away fromlegitimate national security programs to maintain a cover-up andthat if it could ever be proven, then a lot of these guys deserveto go to prison. That, by itself, is enough of a reason to maintaina cover-up as far as I'm concerned.
So if you're not too keen on being spirited away to some unknownholding cell a thousand floors under the desert after trying toram-raid the main gate at Area 51, visit the museum, as it'sprobably the closest you'll ever get to the real thing.

