
An example of a typical Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins ILP used

An example of a typical Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins ILP used in game learning is Progol,which needs visual cues and background knowledge to learn simplegames. For tactical games such as Connect Four and Gomoku,Kaiser concluded that more nuanced logic systems werenecessary.

By forgoing an initial singular formula and using relationalstructures that recognise the rows, columns and diagonals of aboardgame, and making use of several different logic systems --including pure rst-order, existential and guarded -- a tailoredformula could be devised from the data gathered from each logic. Anadded GeneralGame Playing program helped the system learn how to playtactically, learn legal moves and, ultimately, win.

This combination allowed it to generate very short andintuitive formulas in the experiments we performed, and there isstrong theoretical evidence that it will generalise to otherproblems, concluded the paper.

Kaiser plans to adapt the system to solve problems that requirehierarchical, structured learning or a form of probabilisticformulas, all of which will come in handy in developingautonomous, intelligent robots.

