
What does your Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins coffee

What does your Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins coffee machine have in common with the world'smost powerful telescope Product development company CambridgeConsultants has had a hand in making both.

At the moment, the Square Kilometre Array telescope [SKA] has a completion date of2024. If we do work on a consumer project, it usually has to be outby Christmas, Gary Kemp, programme director at CambridgeConsultants, told .

Kemp and his team were brought on to the SKA telescope project,an initiative that brings together 67 research teams and 20countries, in 2005. Once complete, the telescope will span thebreadth of South Africa, Australia and some of New Zealand, havethe processing power of about one hundred million PCs and generatean exabyte of data every single day. It is a project with costimplications and aspirations akin to Cern's Large Hadron Collider -- the SKA telescope will to explore the depths of the universe,uncovering the secrets of radio frequency-emitting nebulae, pulsarsand quasars.

