
The team plans on testing Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins the second

The team plans on testing Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins the second phase of the collar inautumn 2012. This will include a built-in wolf-repelling device --either a spray or a sound repellant -- that will activate when asheep's heart rate reaches a certain level. At the same time, thecollar will automatically send a text message to the shepherd,alerting the sheep's keeper to the attack. Though details of therepellant have not yet been released, the fact that Landry is alsothe author of a  paper entitled Non-lethal techniques for reducingdepredation suggests the system will not be a deadlyone.

The final prototype is due to be tested in Switzerland andneighbouring France in 2013, and Norway has also shown interest inthe device.

The system is seen as a replacement for sheepdogs for thosesmall herd owners that cannot afford the guards. Nervous shepherdsin Switzerland will be happy to hear the news, following a rare 27July wolf attack, which killed two sheep in St Gall. In France,after nearly a century of wolf-free pastures, the endangeredspecies protection covering the grey wolf led to a spate ofsheep attacks in 2011 after its population began toflourish.

