The team plans on testing Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins the second phase of the collar inautumn 2012. This will include a built-in wolf-repelling device --either a spray or a sound repellant -- that will activate when asheep's heart rate reaches a certain level. At the same time, thecollar will automatically send a text message to the shepherd,alerting the sheep's keeper to the attack. Though details of therepellant have not yet been released, the fact that Landry is alsothe author of a paper entitled Non-lethal techniques for reducingdepredation suggests the system will not be a deadlyone.
The final prototype is due to be tested in Switzerland andneighbouring France in 2013, and Norway has also shown interest inthe device.
The system is seen as a replacement for sheepdogs for thosesmall herd owners that cannot afford the guards. Nervous shepherdsin Switzerland will be happy to hear the news, following a rare 27July wolf attack, which killed two sheep in St Gall. In France,after nearly a century of wolf-free pastures, the endangeredspecies protection covering the grey wolf led to a spate ofsheep attacks in 2011 after its population began toflourish.