
Members of the Royal Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins New

Members of the Royal Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins New Zealand Air Force have spotted an enormous raft of volcanic rocks, floating in thePacific Ocean.
Porous, grey rock is formed when an underwater volcano belcheslava into water. The resulting chemical mashup is called pumice,and it's less dense than water, allowing it to float on the oceansurface.
This volcanic island covers some 25,465 square kilometres,making it bigger than Israel and almost as huge as Haiti. A navy officer labeled itthe weirdest thing he'd ever seen at sea.
Pumice islands of this type may have played an important role inthe distribution of life on Earth, as they could have becomeimpromptu rafts to carry microbes and other microorganisms toisolated regions.
Not only does pumice float as rafts but it has the highestsurface-area-to-volume ratio of any type of rock, is exposed to avariety of conditions, and has the remarkable ability to absorbmetals, organics and phosphates as well as hosting organiccatalysts, such as zeolites, explainedOxford University professor Martin Brasier, back in 2011.

