
I want to see a huge increase Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins in anything

I want to see a huge increase Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins in anything we recommend in therecommendation engine in general, Johnson says. In the new Katydesign we're going to make that a lot more discoverable and you canbe like, 'Wow, that seems like an area I want to participate in andcommunicate in more.'
Katy actually grew out of LinkedIn's successful redesign of itsiPhone app.
When we started with this project [the iPhone app] we needed tosimplify it and make a more focused and beautiful experience, saysMicah Alpern, principle designer of LinkedIn's mobile experiences.You can see that when you launch the [old] app it's not clear whatto do. There's 12 things and it's all disorganised.
In August 2011, the team launched a completely overhauled iPhoneapp that featured a totally new design built around a focused,four-tile interface. People responded positively to the app,calling it beautiful and polished, not necessarilywords that would have described the previous versions of the app orany other part of LinkedIn, for that matter.
Given the success of the app, the design team felt that thevisual language it had created in the mobile experience should beapplied to other areas of LinkedIn, starting with the homepage buteventually expanding out to all products.
We sort of pulled the alarm bell and we got every visualdesigner to come together for an intense few days of ideation,exploration, innovation, Alpern says. We came up with all kindsof different of ideas. And from that genesis is where the earlyideas of Katy came from.

