
He might have looked Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins goofy

He might have looked Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins goofy on Family Feud, but Foursquarefounder Dennis Crowley considers his 2009 appearance on the gameshow to be a greater accomplishment than selling his first startupto Google. My brother's been wanting to do this for 20 years,Crowley  told branding guru Dan Schawbel. His brood emergedvictorious, as did Crowley: The CEO brags on his homepage aboutwinning the Feud's Fast Money round. Survey says, not bad. Notbad at all.

Neither six hours a day of practice nor prior cameoson Walker, Texas Ranger prepared Cuban to pleasethe Dancing With the Starscameras. Cuban and his partner wereeliminated in the fifth round of judging, an inglorious fall fromthe glory days of the late 1990s, when Cuban sold Broadcast toYahoo for $5.9 billion (£3.6 billion, about one-third of what allof Yahoo is worth today).
Scott McNealy's dog, DumbartonBridge

