
Once at Glenelg Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins Curiosity

Once at Glenelg Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins Curiosity will have its first truly interestinggeology investigation because the area is full of a light-coloured material that has a highthermal inertia, meaning it retains heat well. This issomewhat contradictory since bright materials tend to be porous anddon't hold heat well while rocks that do hold heat are often darkerlava flows. Satellites have noticed the rocks giving off heatat night but this will be the first time that scientists have anopportunity to explore the strange material from the ground.
The above image, taken with the rover's MastCam, shows aclose-up view of Glenelg, which has already yielded surprises. Inaddition to the strange, light-coloured bands, Curiosity is seeingsome thin black bands that appear to be interbedded within thebrighter material. Orbiters hadn't noticed the dark bands, soscientists are eager to explore them further.

