
If that's not enough Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins perhaps it's

If that's not enough Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins perhaps it's time to consider morebiological options. Transcranial magnetic stimulation creates anelectric field with the aim to destabilise or hyperstabiliseneurons in the brain, supposedly switching off some higher levelsof mental processing and increasing concentration.

Or you could go earlier and try to emulate scientists' work withsupersoldier ants by introducing hormones during gestation inthe womb. Naturally, we wouldn't expect to be hearing much on humantrials of these techniques -- morally, you're heading off the deepend with this kind of approach. But again, stranger things havehappened in history.

While the full Captain America realisation of supersoldiersremains seemingly far off, we shouldn't underestimate how muchmodern warfighters are integrating technology to complement andupgrade their senses. And as its sophistication increases, it'seasy to see why the military would be considering more ways tointegrate this more directly with their human resources.


The program is capable Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins of identifiying

The program is capable Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins of identifiying sketches correctly witharound 56 percent accuracy, as long as the object falls under oneof the 250 categories. This is not bad given that humans were ableto identify the sketches with 73 percent accuracy.

The gap between human and computational performance isnot so big, not as big certainly as it is in other computer visionproblems, Hays said.

Hays and team plan to expand the database to include morecategories. One way of doing this is by creating a Pictionary-stylegame that can collect the data that players input -- essentiallyDraw Something. They have created a similargame which is available on iTunes already. Ultimately theprogram could be used to develop a better sketch-based interfaceand search applications.


For a man who never Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins actually

For a man who never Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins actually donated his brain to science,Albert Einstein's grey matter sure does get around a lot. Obsessedwith the late, great's genius, as everyone of his day was,Princeton Hospital pathologist Thomas Harvey removed Einstein'sorgan during an autopsy in 1955 without permission, and proceededto slice it up into more than 200 cubes and slivers, preserve thesein formaldehyde, then take them home. He lost his job afterrefusing to give the specimens up, despite getting permission fromEinstein's son retrospectively.

If it were not for the initiative, however creepy, that Harveydemonstrated while standing over the physicist'srapidly-decomopsing body nearly six decades ago, we would nothave the prize specimen we have today -- an iPad app that offers the most detailed public access view ofEinstein's brain to date.

For £6.99 anyone can download the app and take advantage ofdigitised images of nearly 350 brain slices taken from thecollection bequeathed to the National Museum of Health and MedicineChicago by the Einstein family estate in 2010. The app experienceis touted as being like peering at this piece of history through areal microscope -- the cellular structure and tissue definitionsare visible, since Harvey stained each sample. Though it's a greattool for students and researchers, there are a few issues with thefinished product -- namely, we're not always certain what bit ofthe brain we're actually looking at, despite Harvey taking a seriesof photos of the organ from different angles.

They didn't have MRI, said Jacopo Annese of the University ofCalifornia's Brain Observatory, San Diego, who has digitised 2,400slides from the brain of amnesiac HenryMolaison. We don't have a three-dimensional model of the brainof Einstein, so we don't know where the samples were takenfrom.


While farmers Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins like Bowman

While farmers Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins like Bowman, may have the right to use commodityseeds as feed, or for any other conceivable use, they cannot'replicate' Monsanto's patented technology by planting it in theground to create newly infringing genetic material, seeds, andplants, the appeals court added.

Bowman appealed, urging the Supreme Court to analyse whether thelaw allows patent holders to continue to assert patent rights after an authorised sale.

Monsanto's licensing terms allowed farmers to sell the seedproduced by one Roundup Ready crop to grain elevators. But theterms also forbid unauthorised planting of those seeds.

Practically, this issue affects every farmer in the country andthe method of planting that farmers such as Mr Bowman have used forgenerations, Bowman's attorneys wrote in their petition to theSupreme Court.

The court, which decided 8 October to review the case, did notindicate when it would hold oral arguments.


I think both the Irish the Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins UK

I think both the Irish the Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins UK governments are doing probably morethan any other in Europe, he told . In the UK, thegovernment is very pro entrepreneurs and tech companies. They havea high ambition and want to make the UK the best place, and they'reon the right track.

Mention European tech hubs, though, and Zennstrm looks bored.As someone who launched his career from Sweden and has Atomicobases in London, Beijing, Sao Paulo, Tokyo and Istanbul, Zennstrmis a believer that if you're not thinking globally at all timesyou've got no business being in the game. That's true when you'relooking to hire employees and scaling your company, but also whenit comes to seeking out the right investments.

There's a little bit of an over-emphasis from media andpoliticians on creating a physical location, says Zennstrm. It'snot a bad thing, it's a good thing. But what you really need isencouragement and to make it easier for companies to get started.You need to make it easier to hire people and there's still a lotof bureaucracy in the UK around starting a company and hiring andfiring people. I still think the UK is much better than a lot ofother countries in Europe. But all those things, if they can besimplified even more, that would be better.


Microsoft has launched Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins a three

Microsoft has launched Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins a three-year programme to help tackleyouth unemployment in the UK, called Get On.
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and Prime Minister David Cameronannounced the initiative on 7 November. The aim is to help around300,000 of the 1.02 million unemployed people between the ages of16 and 24 through education, training and work experience.
The tech giant has been committed to creating job opportunitiesin the UK since 2009, when it pledged to help get half a millionpeople into work by 2012. Microsoft says that, to date, the BritainWorks programme has directly helped 470,895 people.


In the tablet Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins smartphoneversion

In the tablet Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins smartphoneversion the command signals are issued via an infrared dongleconnected to the audio port while the pyramid version featureshigh-powered infrared emitters, which, with additional software,can be used to operate other toys and devices such as televisionscreens.
Users can then select an action for the helicopter to perform,such as hovering in place or flying across the room, when the EEGheadset detects that a particular mental state has been reached andmaintained.
As the project has already exceeded its $10,000 (around £6,279)target the company will also freely distribute all materialrelation to the project, from the source code to the hardwareschematics.


Many smartphones Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins the iPhone

Many smartphones Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins the iPhone 4S included, automatically embedlocation data in photographs if that setting is turned on.Commonly, this information is either removed prior to publishinglocation sensitive stories, or turned off in the phone beforepictures are taken.

After thestory broke on Twitter, McAfee promptly put upa blog post noting that he had manipulated the xif dataon the image taken from my cellphone, and created a fake emergencyso that the urgency of movement led, as I knew it would, to thehasty posting on their website. At about the same time, Viceposted a new version of the photo with the GPS coordinatesremoved.

McAfee is wanted for questioning in Belize in a case related tothe murder of his neighbor, Gregory Faull.  McAfee has proclaimed his innocence.


It's close to impossible Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins to find

It's close to impossible Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins to find every asteroid that could be athreat to Earth.
There's always some uncertainty that we're going to have tolive with, he said. Or die with.
Comet Collision
Some of that uncertainty comes from asteroids' sometimesforgotten cousins, comets. (Comets are made up of ice and dust,while asteroids are made up of rock and metals.)
Hartley 2 came within 17 million kilometres of Earth on 20October 2011, which was among one of the closest times a comet hasgot to Earth in centuries.
Comets are especially dangerous because they are coming fromfarther distances, at higher velocities, Asphaug said.
Comets zoom through space at almost 163,000 kph and pick upspeed due to Earth's gravitational pull, he said. The faster anobject moves, the bigger the force it exerts on whatever it happensto hit and the more energy it deposits. For Earth, that means moredamage. For humans, it may spell out R.I.P.
To add insult to potential injury, finding comets in the outersolar system is very difficult because these dirty snowballs areextremely dark.
But when comet gets within about 627 million kilometres fromEarth, the sun heats comets' dark surface and starts to warm itsicy interior, making it


The public should understand Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins the importance

The public should understand Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins the importance ofdevelopment as well as the critical need to safeguard the bottomline of the environmental pollution, itsaid.  The choice between development andenvironmental protection should be made by genuinely democraticmethods. Environmental problems shouldn't be mixed togetherwith political problems.

In another editorial by John Ross, a visiting professor at AntaiCollege of Economics and Management of Shanghai Jiao TongUniversity, comparisons were drawn between the country's moderncrisis and that of the UK's own Great London Smog of 1952, when hesays visibility was reduced to just a few metres for five days and12,000 people died from the effects. That, says Ross, is equivalentto a quarter of a million people in China.

Not accidentally, in 1952 the UK's stage of economicdevelopment, its GDP per capita, was approximately the same asChina's today, hewrites. This disaster was the culmination of a UKindustrialisation path which had placed few limits on pollution --1952 was close to the period of the maximum share of industry inthe UK's economy and before a shift into services began. Both interms of income per head and industrial structure, the UK was closeto the position of China today.


Forget about a kill Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins switch

Forget about a kill Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins switch. Planned obsolescence Alreadyobsolete. In the US, the Pentagon's blue-sky researchers wanttomorrow's military hardware to literally cease to exist at apredetermined point. Welcome to the age of suicidal sensors.

The Pentagon's think tank Darpa isn't imagining planes or shipsthat melt into a metallic puddle when their replacements come offthe production line. The research agency is thinking, in one sense,smaller: sensors and other sophisticated electronic microsystemsthat litter a warzone -- and create enticing opportunities foradversaries to collect, study and reverse-engineer. Since it's notpractical to pick them all up when US forces withdraw, Darpa wantsto usher in the age of transient electronics.

If you've ever lost your phone and worried about randomstrangers sifting through your data, you have a sense of why theidea appeals to Darpa. But you probably never imagined Applecreating a piece of hardware capable of physically disappearing ina controlled, triggerable manner. That's where Darpa comes in.Next month, it's going to invite interested scientists andmanufacturers to a Virginia conference to kick around ideas forcreating what it calls triggered degradation. Oh, and some of that degradation willoccur inside a soldier's body.


For now Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins TechHub

For now Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins TechHub, one of Europe'spre-eminent co-working spaces, has its flagship office a stone'sthrow from the roundabout. A quick walk around the neighbourhoodsuggests though, that it could do with a little sprucing up beyondits 1970s-era offices -- many signs in the area indicate thatthere's plenty ofavailable space. Other trendy and prominent TMT sites includethe nearby  Tea Building and the Zetland House.

A Jones Lang LaSalle brochure indicates that it's commonknowledge in the London commercial real estate world that Amazonhas a requirement for 28,000 square metres to 56,000 squaremetres of new space by 2016 -- consolidating its existingLondon-area offices to the centre. Microsoft, meanwhile, is lookingto open another office with 14,000 square metres by 2014, and Sony,anywhere from 5,500 to 23,000 square metres by 2015. Majoradvertising firms, including Havas and Omnicom are also looking forat least 9,300 square metres each by 2015. Developers and realtorseven have their eyes on smaller London-based startups, includingFirebox, PeerIndex, and FundApps.

We've deliberately asked this enthusiastic and talented youngteam to do something very non-standard in terms of the timescales,processes and the technologies used to put the satellite together,stated Doug Liddle, SSTL's head of science.

No less ambitious will be the next phase of the programme,STRaND-2. SSTL previously announced that it plans to perform ananosatellite docking in orbit using Kinect technology, which is amotion-sensing device used in the popular Xbox gaming console forapplications that include exercise programmes.
We want to maximise what we learn from this researchprogramme, Liddle added. I can't wait to see what happensnext.


What might dolphins be Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins saying

What might dolphins be Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins saying with all those clicks and squeaksEach other's names, suggests a new study of the so-called signaturewhistles that dolphins use to identify themselves.

Whether the vocalisations should truly be considered names, andwhether dolphins call to compatriots in a human-like manner, iscontested among scientists, but the results reinforce thepossibility. After all, to borrow the argot of animal behaviourstudies, people often greet friends by copying their individuallydistinctive vocal signatures.

They use these when they want to reunite with a specificindividual, said biologist Stephanie King of Scotland's Universityof St Andrews. It's a friendly, affiliative sign.

In their  new study, published 19 February in Proceedings of theRoyal Society B, King and fellow St Andrews biologist VincentJanik investigate a phenomenon they first described in 2006:bottlenose dolphinsrecognising the signature whistles of other dolphins theyknow.


If people don't think your Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins idea

If people don't think your Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins idea is crazy, then you aren'tthinking big enough, according to Naveen Jain, founder of the World Innovation Institute andco-founder of Moon mining company Moon Express.

My job is to mine the Moon. People always say I'm crazy,billionaire Jain told the audience at the Economist'sTechnology Frontiers event.

The Economist's digital editor Tom Standage --moderator for the event -- added: When I met Elon Musk years agohe seemed like a lunatic. Then every time I've seen him he seemsless crazy. Standage pushed Jain to elaborate on when we'll seeMoon mining move from theory to practice.

All of the technology you need exists today. Fifty years ago,Nasa had to build everything. But we are using Go-Pro cameras, thesame AI tech to recognise rocks on the Moon and packaging all ofthe same stuff. It is rocket science, but it's well understoodrocket science.

Jain criticised the role of government in innovation, sayingthat it doesn't have the incentive to be efficient. There's noreason why government couldn't install an Uber for 911, wheredoctors would be the emergency workers and respond to problems intheir area. It's not that the tech doesn't exist, it's that thegovernment doesn't have the will to change. They don't want to laypeople off.
Carlota Perez, LSE scholar, countered this argument, sayingthat entrepreneurial governments can exist. There are these heavyelephants, but the Nordic countries do this well.

Jain accepted that government-funded Nasa had done a greatjob, but is now leaving private enterprises to commercialise thetechnology. He added that he will launch a mission in 2014 or 2015that will put a robot on the Moon, with a company such a Space X.He hopes to win the Google Lunar X Prize, which will award $20million (£13 million) to the first team to put a lander on the Moonand deliver data, images and video from the landing site and 500metres away by December 2015. The ultimate plan of Moon Express isto bring back rare earth elements.


Bolden's comment Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins sought

Bolden's comment Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins sought to illustrate to the US governmentthat without significant improvements to current technology thatsearches the skies for near-Earth objects, there is nothing thatcan be done to prevent an event similar to Chelyabinsk, Russia,happening again.

The series of talks were prompted by the events that unfolded on 15 February over Chelyabinsk, whenan asteroid approximately 18 metres in diameter crashed through theEarth's atmosphere and exploded. The resulting shockwave blew outwindows and injured over 1,000 people. By total coincidence, 2012DA14, an asteroid measuring 30 metres, passed within 28,500km ofEarth -- within the orbit of telecommunications satellites. Theevent also resulted in Russia reconsidering their own asteroid defence programme.

On 20 March, another group of Nasa scientists briefed the USSenate Subcommittee on Science and Space with a talk titled Assessing the Risks, Impacts, and Solutionsfor Space Threats.


Our dream decoding is still Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins very primitive

Our dream decoding is still Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins very primitive, Kamitani said.

Decoding colour, action, or emotion is also still beyond thescope of the technology, Kamitani says. Also, it only seems towork for imagery that occurred -- at most -- about 15 secondsbefore waking up.

Finally, the decoder is unique to each person. To decode thedreams of another person, the team would have to train up a newdecoder by having that person view hundreds of images.

Even so, it's remarkable that it works as well as it does, saysneuroscientist Jack Gallant of the University of California,Berkeley and a pioneer of decoding mental states from brainscans. It took just a huge amount of non-glamorous work to dothis, and they deserve big props for that, Gallant said.


Nasa scientists have Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins discovered

Nasa scientists have Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins discovered an alien solar system that theybelieve has two planets that are completely submerged underwater.
The worlds, dubbed super-Earths because they are rocky andlarger than our own planet, are orbiting a star called Kepler-62that lies 1,200 light-years away in the constellation of Lyra.

Both exist in the so-called habitable zone around their homestar where water essential for life as we know it can exist as aliquid.

The star is slightly smaller and cooler than the Sun, beingonly a fifth as bright, and has been found to have fiveplanets in orbit around it by a planet-seeking space telescope.Nasa has simultaneously announced the discovery of anothersuper-Earth in another star system, labelled Kepler-69, in theneighbouring constellation of Cygnus, with two known planets, knownas Kepler-69b and Kepler-69c.

In the first system, two of the planets, labelled Kepler-62e andKepler-62f, have intrigued planetary scientists because of theirlikely nature. Computer modelling by researchers at theHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) indicates thatthey are both covered by global oceans without any landprotruding.


I'm not Oprah Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins OK I think there's

I'm not Oprah Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins OK I think there's people who have slightmisconceptions about how much money I have, Braff said in aninterview with Wired. I've been very successful in my career,I am going to put a ton of my own money into this endeavour, but Ican't go out and fund what will likely be a $5.5 million (£3.5million) movie out of my wallet. If people think that, they're verywrong.

Braff is the latest in a spate of big names passing the hat atKickstarter. Rob Thomas and the talent behind VeronicaMars made a huge splash three weeks ago when they raised morethan $5.7 million (£3.7 million) to fund a film version of thepopular show. The campaign, which inspired Braff's Kickstarter, hada goal of $2 million (£1.3 million) and became the  largest amount ever requested on Kickstarter to receiveits funding. Braff's has become the second, putting the twoprojects well above indie fare like the campaign to fund a filmversion of Eric Powell's comic The Goon, the $52,527 (£33,800)campaign that funded the  Oscar-winning short Inocente and (as of this writing)Brian Knappenberger's  push for an Aaron Swartz documentary.


A ChatPerf representative Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins interviewed by DigInfo

A ChatPerf representative Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins interviewed by DigInfo TV,said: For example, suppose you want to send a message to a friendvia social media, maybe because you know your friend is tired. Youcan use this to send a relaxing scent along with your message. Youcan also use it to add scent to the notification sound whenever youget a new email.

We also think this device could be used with games. It couldhave all kinds of applications, so for example, in a shooting game,shots could be accompanied by the sound of gunpowder.

An Android version is reportedly coming for September that willconnect via the headphone jack, and a Lightning adapter version isplanned too. Also, the code behind the Scentee has been released,so ChatPerf hope that developers, both individuals and companies,will turn lots of ideas into apps.
The question if you could send a smell to someone on the otherside of the world, what would it be is no longer rhetorical. Whata time to be alive.


Build-wise it manages to Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins look reasonably

Build-wise it manages to Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins look reasonably classy, with itssilvery metallic strip sandwiched between glossy black plastic onthe front and matte, rubberised black plastic on the back. Thesmooth sides are broken only by a slimline volume rocker, with a3.5mm headphone jack and power/sleep button on top and a microUSBport underneath. Beneath the slim but solid-feeling rear casing,SIM and microSD memory cards (up to 32GB) sit beneath the battery-- so there's no hot-swapping available.

There's an old-school frisson with the touch-sensitive Android buttonsbeneath the screen. There's four of them -- menu, home, back andsearch - which used to be commonplace on Androids of yore, but haslong since been superseded by the three-button approach. The moremodern approach ditches the search button in favour of an onscreenwidget and replaces the menu with an overview of active apps, whichis arguably more useful - it's not clear why ZTE has chosen thisapproach.


Carnoy's brother-in-law Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins Ken Landau

Carnoy's brother-in-law Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins Ken Landau, discovered his old Walkmacin his basement during a spring clean. It weighs around 6kg and has1MB of memory.

And that's not all it had going for it. Shelling out $6,000 onthe Walkmac (around £8,000 in today's money) would afford youluxuries like an LCD screen, the ability to run off a battery, 16MHz of processing power and an integrated keyboard.

Sony later threatened to sue -- Walkmac being an obvious riff onWalkman -- and the Colby Walkmac became the Colby SE30. Yearslater, of course, the iPod would thoroughly destroy the Walkman --revenge, perhaps, for this earlier snub.

Click the gallery to see the very first portable computersfrom the 70s and 80s.


At Meet I was working with Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins a small team

At Meet I was working with Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins a small team, and we were arguingthe correct path to take, Manna continues. We had lots ofarguments -- and not a single one was based on politics. Weacknowledge the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we realise it's notgoing to go away, probably anytime soon, but focused on somethingelse. We know each other as people, and we respect each other --these are people I still want to work with in the Middle East tomake a real change.

Let's repeat again: Manna is 17-years-old. Political leaderscould learn a lot from his reasoning and level view of one of themost complex political situations in modern history -- a historythat Meet overcomes by leaving out of the conversation.

We all know of the conflict in Israel, said Klein, at theevent to present the NGO which relies on philanthropic donations.What was impressive to us about Meet was it was addressing issuesof the conflict, relationships between Arabs and Israelis, in anovel and innovative way -- which was to not talk about the problemat all, but to focus on bringing Arab and Jewish youthstogether.


Do you have any advice for Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins teenagers

Do you have any advice for Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins teenagers and youngentrepreneurs
What was very valuable for Patrick and myself was that we couldboth code. So when we had the idea to build better paymentsstructure we could start building the product we thought needed tobe built and see if the market took to it -- which it did. Itallowed for incremental growth. When you're at that very young age,you don't necessarily want to go hiring a team of programmers to dosomething. The fact that we could build things based on our ownideas was one of the key things that made Stripepossible.
Other than that, this was a problem we had very viscerally feltin our previous startup. So that shaped and informed the product. Ithink it's a pretty good source of ideas to look at the problemsthat you yourself have learned in the past.
So do you feel strongly that people should be picking upproducts like the Raspberry Pi and learning to code
I'm not saying what anyone should be doing. All I'm saying is thatif you're planning on building an online business, or building anonline software product, being able to dive into it yourself tendsto be a pretty valuable skill.
The web is this great tool [for] connecting people.[...] But the economic bit -- the payments structure -- is stilllagging John Collison, Stripe


If you're keen to enjoy more Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins of the otherwiserather

If you're keen to enjoy more Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins of the otherwiserather pricey Warner Bros Studio Tour experience for free and fromthe comfort of your home, you're also able to browse around thelobby and cafeteria.

Google has previously provided Street View access tothe Amazon, the Swiss Alps railway and the National Gallery in London. Earlier this year it even donnedwetsuits and under the sea with its cameras to allowholiday-starved scuba divers and marine life enthusiasts tonavigate around panoramas of the Great Barrier Reef.

This latest, more magical move sees it joining the likes ofonline Potter portal Pottermore in offering extraaccess to Harry's wizarding world. Perhaps it was always inevitableGoogle would branch out into fictional locations though, as toparaphrase Dumbledore, for it is through Google we enter a worldthat's entirely our own. Fingers crossed Hogsmeade and Godric'sHollow will follow shortly.

Update: A previous version of this story incorrectly statedHarry Potter discovered he was a window. He of course discoveredhe was a wizard. Wired.co.uk has corrected the mistake andapologises to any muggles this confused.


Sanguinetti says that they Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins think the

Sanguinetti says that they Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins think the mood uplift is happeningbecause the ultrasound is making the neurons a little bit morelikely to fire in parts of the brain involved with mood.
The ultrasound acts on neuronal membranes and the aforementionedmicrotubules. As microtubules are intimately involved in synapticplasticity, and theoretically implicated in learning, memory andconscious experience, transcranial ultrasound may be usedul in avariety of mental and neurological disorders including depression,traumatic and hypoxic brain injury, stroke, learning, Alzheimer'sdisease, psychiatric disorders, and altering states ofconsciousness, the study's authors conclude.
The researchers are working with a hardware company called Neurotrek to develop a device thatcould target specific parts of the brain with ultrasound.