
If people don't think your Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins idea

If people don't think your Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins idea is crazy, then you aren'tthinking big enough, according to Naveen Jain, founder of the World Innovation Institute andco-founder of Moon mining company Moon Express.

My job is to mine the Moon. People always say I'm crazy,billionaire Jain told the audience at the Economist'sTechnology Frontiers event.

The Economist's digital editor Tom Standage --moderator for the event -- added: When I met Elon Musk years agohe seemed like a lunatic. Then every time I've seen him he seemsless crazy. Standage pushed Jain to elaborate on when we'll seeMoon mining move from theory to practice.

All of the technology you need exists today. Fifty years ago,Nasa had to build everything. But we are using Go-Pro cameras, thesame AI tech to recognise rocks on the Moon and packaging all ofthe same stuff. It is rocket science, but it's well understoodrocket science.

Jain criticised the role of government in innovation, sayingthat it doesn't have the incentive to be efficient. There's noreason why government couldn't install an Uber for 911, wheredoctors would be the emergency workers and respond to problems intheir area. It's not that the tech doesn't exist, it's that thegovernment doesn't have the will to change. They don't want to laypeople off.
Carlota Perez, LSE scholar, countered this argument, sayingthat entrepreneurial governments can exist. There are these heavyelephants, but the Nordic countries do this well.

Jain accepted that government-funded Nasa had done a greatjob, but is now leaving private enterprises to commercialise thetechnology. He added that he will launch a mission in 2014 or 2015that will put a robot on the Moon, with a company such a Space X.He hopes to win the Google Lunar X Prize, which will award $20million (£13 million) to the first team to put a lander on the Moonand deliver data, images and video from the landing site and 500metres away by December 2015. The ultimate plan of Moon Express isto bring back rare earth elements.

