
For now Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins TechHub

For now Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins TechHub, one of Europe'spre-eminent co-working spaces, has its flagship office a stone'sthrow from the roundabout. A quick walk around the neighbourhoodsuggests though, that it could do with a little sprucing up beyondits 1970s-era offices -- many signs in the area indicate thatthere's plenty ofavailable space. Other trendy and prominent TMT sites includethe nearby  Tea Building and the Zetland House.

A Jones Lang LaSalle brochure indicates that it's commonknowledge in the London commercial real estate world that Amazonhas a requirement for 28,000 square metres to 56,000 squaremetres of new space by 2016 -- consolidating its existingLondon-area offices to the centre. Microsoft, meanwhile, is lookingto open another office with 14,000 square metres by 2014, and Sony,anywhere from 5,500 to 23,000 square metres by 2015. Majoradvertising firms, including Havas and Omnicom are also looking forat least 9,300 square metres each by 2015. Developers and realtorseven have their eyes on smaller London-based startups, includingFirebox, PeerIndex, and FundApps.

We've deliberately asked this enthusiastic and talented youngteam to do something very non-standard in terms of the timescales,processes and the technologies used to put the satellite together,stated Doug Liddle, SSTL's head of science.

No less ambitious will be the next phase of the programme,STRaND-2. SSTL previously announced that it plans to perform ananosatellite docking in orbit using Kinect technology, which is amotion-sensing device used in the popular Xbox gaming console forapplications that include exercise programmes.
We want to maximise what we learn from this researchprogramme, Liddle added. I can't wait to see what happensnext.

