
Nasa scientists have Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins discovered

Nasa scientists have Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins discovered an alien solar system that theybelieve has two planets that are completely submerged underwater.
The worlds, dubbed super-Earths because they are rocky andlarger than our own planet, are orbiting a star called Kepler-62that lies 1,200 light-years away in the constellation of Lyra.

Both exist in the so-called habitable zone around their homestar where water essential for life as we know it can exist as aliquid.

The star is slightly smaller and cooler than the Sun, beingonly a fifth as bright, and has been found to have fiveplanets in orbit around it by a planet-seeking space telescope.Nasa has simultaneously announced the discovery of anothersuper-Earth in another star system, labelled Kepler-69, in theneighbouring constellation of Cygnus, with two known planets, knownas Kepler-69b and Kepler-69c.

In the first system, two of the planets, labelled Kepler-62e andKepler-62f, have intrigued planetary scientists because of theirlikely nature. Computer modelling by researchers at theHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) indicates thatthey are both covered by global oceans without any landprotruding.

