
Do you have any advice for Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins teenagers

Do you have any advice for Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins teenagers and youngentrepreneurs
What was very valuable for Patrick and myself was that we couldboth code. So when we had the idea to build better paymentsstructure we could start building the product we thought needed tobe built and see if the market took to it -- which it did. Itallowed for incremental growth. When you're at that very young age,you don't necessarily want to go hiring a team of programmers to dosomething. The fact that we could build things based on our ownideas was one of the key things that made Stripepossible.
Other than that, this was a problem we had very viscerally feltin our previous startup. So that shaped and informed the product. Ithink it's a pretty good source of ideas to look at the problemsthat you yourself have learned in the past.
So do you feel strongly that people should be picking upproducts like the Raspberry Pi and learning to code
I'm not saying what anyone should be doing. All I'm saying is thatif you're planning on building an online business, or building anonline software product, being able to dive into it yourself tendsto be a pretty valuable skill.
The web is this great tool [for] connecting people.[...] But the economic bit -- the payments structure -- is stilllagging John Collison, Stripe

