
I'm not Oprah Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins OK I think there's

I'm not Oprah Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins OK I think there's people who have slightmisconceptions about how much money I have, Braff said in aninterview with Wired. I've been very successful in my career,I am going to put a ton of my own money into this endeavour, but Ican't go out and fund what will likely be a $5.5 million (£3.5million) movie out of my wallet. If people think that, they're verywrong.

Braff is the latest in a spate of big names passing the hat atKickstarter. Rob Thomas and the talent behind VeronicaMars made a huge splash three weeks ago when they raised morethan $5.7 million (£3.7 million) to fund a film version of thepopular show. The campaign, which inspired Braff's Kickstarter, hada goal of $2 million (£1.3 million) and became the  largest amount ever requested on Kickstarter to receiveits funding. Braff's has become the second, putting the twoprojects well above indie fare like the campaign to fund a filmversion of Eric Powell's comic The Goon, the $52,527 (£33,800)campaign that funded the  Oscar-winning short Inocente and (as of this writing)Brian Knappenberger's  push for an Aaron Swartz documentary.

