
For a man who never Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins actually

For a man who never Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins actually donated his brain to science,Albert Einstein's grey matter sure does get around a lot. Obsessedwith the late, great's genius, as everyone of his day was,Princeton Hospital pathologist Thomas Harvey removed Einstein'sorgan during an autopsy in 1955 without permission, and proceededto slice it up into more than 200 cubes and slivers, preserve thesein formaldehyde, then take them home. He lost his job afterrefusing to give the specimens up, despite getting permission fromEinstein's son retrospectively.

If it were not for the initiative, however creepy, that Harveydemonstrated while standing over the physicist'srapidly-decomopsing body nearly six decades ago, we would nothave the prize specimen we have today -- an iPad app that offers the most detailed public access view ofEinstein's brain to date.

For £6.99 anyone can download the app and take advantage ofdigitised images of nearly 350 brain slices taken from thecollection bequeathed to the National Museum of Health and MedicineChicago by the Einstein family estate in 2010. The app experienceis touted as being like peering at this piece of history through areal microscope -- the cellular structure and tissue definitionsare visible, since Harvey stained each sample. Though it's a greattool for students and researchers, there are a few issues with thefinished product -- namely, we're not always certain what bit ofthe brain we're actually looking at, despite Harvey taking a seriesof photos of the organ from different angles.

They didn't have MRI, said Jacopo Annese of the University ofCalifornia's Brain Observatory, San Diego, who has digitised 2,400slides from the brain of amnesiac HenryMolaison. We don't have a three-dimensional model of the brainof Einstein, so we don't know where the samples were takenfrom.

