
If that's not enough Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins perhaps it's

If that's not enough Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins perhaps it's time to consider morebiological options. Transcranial magnetic stimulation creates anelectric field with the aim to destabilise or hyperstabiliseneurons in the brain, supposedly switching off some higher levelsof mental processing and increasing concentration.

Or you could go earlier and try to emulate scientists' work withsupersoldier ants by introducing hormones during gestation inthe womb. Naturally, we wouldn't expect to be hearing much on humantrials of these techniques -- morally, you're heading off the deepend with this kind of approach. But again, stranger things havehappened in history.

While the full Captain America realisation of supersoldiersremains seemingly far off, we shouldn't underestimate how muchmodern warfighters are integrating technology to complement andupgrade their senses. And as its sophistication increases, it'seasy to see why the military would be considering more ways tointegrate this more directly with their human resources.

