
At Meet I was working with Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins a small team

At Meet I was working with Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins a small team, and we were arguingthe correct path to take, Manna continues. We had lots ofarguments -- and not a single one was based on politics. Weacknowledge the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we realise it's notgoing to go away, probably anytime soon, but focused on somethingelse. We know each other as people, and we respect each other --these are people I still want to work with in the Middle East tomake a real change.

Let's repeat again: Manna is 17-years-old. Political leaderscould learn a lot from his reasoning and level view of one of themost complex political situations in modern history -- a historythat Meet overcomes by leaving out of the conversation.

We all know of the conflict in Israel, said Klein, at theevent to present the NGO which relies on philanthropic donations.What was impressive to us about Meet was it was addressing issuesof the conflict, relationships between Arabs and Israelis, in anovel and innovative way -- which was to not talk about the problemat all, but to focus on bringing Arab and Jewish youthstogether.

