
I think both the Irish the Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins UK

I think both the Irish the Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins UK governments are doing probably morethan any other in Europe, he told . In the UK, thegovernment is very pro entrepreneurs and tech companies. They havea high ambition and want to make the UK the best place, and they'reon the right track.

Mention European tech hubs, though, and Zennstrm looks bored.As someone who launched his career from Sweden and has Atomicobases in London, Beijing, Sao Paulo, Tokyo and Istanbul, Zennstrmis a believer that if you're not thinking globally at all timesyou've got no business being in the game. That's true when you'relooking to hire employees and scaling your company, but also whenit comes to seeking out the right investments.

There's a little bit of an over-emphasis from media andpoliticians on creating a physical location, says Zennstrm. It'snot a bad thing, it's a good thing. But what you really need isencouragement and to make it easier for companies to get started.You need to make it easier to hire people and there's still a lotof bureaucracy in the UK around starting a company and hiring andfiring people. I still think the UK is much better than a lot ofother countries in Europe. But all those things, if they can besimplified even more, that would be better.

