
Our dream decoding is still Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins very primitive

Our dream decoding is still Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins very primitive, Kamitani said.

Decoding colour, action, or emotion is also still beyond thescope of the technology, Kamitani says. Also, it only seems towork for imagery that occurred -- at most -- about 15 secondsbefore waking up.

Finally, the decoder is unique to each person. To decode thedreams of another person, the team would have to train up a newdecoder by having that person view hundreds of images.

Even so, it's remarkable that it works as well as it does, saysneuroscientist Jack Gallant of the University of California,Berkeley and a pioneer of decoding mental states from brainscans. It took just a huge amount of non-glamorous work to dothis, and they deserve big props for that, Gallant said.

